Chess Moves

One person's short journey into the world of Australian chess

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Manly-Warringah League Club Simultaneous Play

Tough week.

Together with my brother-in-law, I decided to attend the Simulaneous Play by the club champion at Manly-Warringah League Club on Monday 23rd Jan. So off I go there.... after seeing the number of people who turned up (approx. 20+ people), it was getting impossible for the club champion Mark De Groen to play so many people and to finish in 4 hours.

Nevertheless, I was very impressed with his stamina and he did very well.

My brother-in-law wanted me to take White.... but I thought I give Black a try. :)

After approx 2+ hour of gameplay at 11pm, the number of opponents had dwindled down to 15 odd people and my game was still a long way off.

By then, fatigue had clearly set in to my game (see diagram on the left) and I figured I was about 10 moves from defeat. In the end, I told my brother-in-law that I need to go off and asked him to inform Mark that I had to go (I still need to get up to work early tomorrow unfortunately).

Just FYI, it was my turn next.... and I would have played ...... Bc5.



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